
Kalifaat: Rise of de islamitische natie en de Tempelberg

Neem een kijkje op de verborgen hand achter ISIS , in kalifaat opkomst van de islamitische natie en de Tempelberg . Dit boek onthult de verborgen hand achter een van 's werelds snelst groeiende extremistische groepen , en de radicalisering van de wereld jeugd in terroristen.


イスラム 国家と 神殿の丘 の カリフ 台頭 で ISIS の背後に 隠された 手 を見て 、 取ります 。 この本は 、世界 最も急成長している 過激派 グループ の 一つであり、 テロリスト に 世界の 若者の ラジカル化 の背後に 隠された 手 を公開します。

Kalifat: Aufstieg des islamischen Nation und dem Tempelberg

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die verborgene Hand hinter ISIS , in Kalifat Aufstieg der islamischen Nation und dem Tempelberg . Dieses Buch macht die verborgene Hand hinter einem der weltweit am schnellsten wachsenden extremistischen Gruppen , und die Radikalisierung der Jugend der Welt zu Terroristen .

Califat: Rise of the Nation islamique et le Mont du Temple

Jetez un oeil à la main cachée derrière ISIS , dans Rise Califat de la nation islamique et le Mont du Temple . Ce livre expose la main cachée derrière l'un des groupes extrémistes monde la plus forte croissance , et de la radicalisation de la jeunesse du monde en terroristes .

Jesus God or the Son of God

                  Is Jesus God or the Son of God will he be leading the coming Caliphate                     

Caliphate and One World Government

                                                               The rise of ISIS or ISIL, Joseph Smith looks inside of one of the world fastest growing extremist group, and their dangerous radicalization of the world youth.

The Mayan understanding of time

      What must be taken into consideration about the Mayan calendar is the Mayan civilization being familiar with a long count and short count calendar. When the bib le is consider as a valid source of history that the Mayan calendar becomes clear. There was a time right after the fall of the Tower of Babel, in which men begun to spread across the world building cities, before the continent was separate, Genesis 11:8-9. According to the bible, the earth was divided during the time of Peleg, Genesis 10:25. In 2010 and 2011 earthquakes, magnitude of 8.8 in Chile moved the entire planet. While the 8.9 earthquake in Japan has moved mainland Japan eight feet. This has divulged some light into the long count and short count calendar of the Mayan civilization (1) we now know that the landmasses can be moved, (2) both shorten the days, so when the earth is condense the earth speed up, making the day shorter. Therefore, if the earth was all together a