What most people don't know
The biggest thing talk about in WW II is the lost of 6 million JEWISH people. Therefore, let’s look at the WWII , and I do understand what Hitler did was wrong, by trying to annihilate the Jewish people. Only problem I have with them and the Palestinians people they both claim a land that don’t belong to them. I am a true Jew a black man and would like to live in my own land, of my true forefather Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with all the other true children of Israel the black people. The say don’t forget the holocaust to the Jewish people and tell us that slavery was a long time ago and move on, they paid the Jewish people descendants and hunt down those Nazis that are still alive, but for us black they say we want a hand out and enslaved us in the most inhumane way, and a lot of those companies built off slavery are still around today during great off the slave money, and the Jewish people were involved. If you don’t know it the Jewish people pla...