
Understanding the Book of Revelation <<--Click

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  My rise as a writer started as a disadvantage youth, growing up in East Los Angeles.   Where living past 18 years old were almost an impossible task, the writing of my life story has yet to be written, laugh people. My writing is base off years of formal and informal study of theology and sociology. I write about the reality we are all living today, weather knowingly or unknowingly. If you wish to stay ignorant to your reality, these books are not for you. Please leave a review when you get a book.   Critics are a part of success, form your own opinion.   Now at Amazon and other online book outlets        Thank you for your support Joseph Smith    

Being Born Again and The Rapture

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Trinitarian Doctrine the Source of Confusion

  25 minutes of this video has been censor by YouTube. They don't feel you are strong enough to handle what is being said. If you want to see the unedited version, you will have to good to my FaceBook profile page, Peter Smith, Identifying marks is an EU & America flag. Share this video and subscribe.    At Amazon and other book outlets   

The Gospel and Colonization

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Is the Stock Market Crashing?

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Religious Colonization

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