The Tower of Babel, the oldies civilization known to men. Next oldies civilization would have to be the Mayans, because of the condition of their Pyramid, which is clearly seen. The Tower of Babel clearly look a lot older then Mayans Pyramid, with the Pyramids of Egypt looking the most modern of them all. These archaeologist and scholars have missed a whole lot with some of it clearly seen with the naked eye.
ALERT!!! This will be one of the most important things you read in your life as a believer. WE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST ARE NOW IN DANGER. Satan and his troops are visible for us all to see. ISIS is the fulfillment of Scriptures, believers in Christ you can no longer afford to walk around sleeping or in denial, Christ soon to return. ...
Take a look at the hidden hand behind ISIS, in Caliphate Rise of the Islamic Nation and the Temple Mount. This book exposes the hidden hand behind one of the world fastest growing extremist groups, and the radicalizing of the world youth. "Click on title Caliphate to go to book page."
When evil men rule the world there shall appear the false prophet that will united all the world religions and secret societies. The false prophet has appeared and was first televised to whole world on April 2014, the first Blood Moon of the tetrad on Passover, where his canter called on the Christians, Satanist, and Illuminati's to join him. In the Muslim world he will be the one to introduce the 12th imam, the descendant of Muhammad, the Al-Mahdi to the world. The false prophet will be the one to lead the world off into the The New World Order Rev 13:11-18. Today there is one man going around the world uniting the world religions and that is Pope Francis. The bible let us know he will be the one to introduce the Antichrist to the world and bring about a new economic system, which you will have to take the Mark of the breast, to become a part off Satan counterfeit kingdom right before Christ return Rev 13:11-18, Rev 14:8-11, Rev 16:10-15, Rev...
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