The Mayan understanding of time
What must be taken into consideration about the Mayan calendar is the
Mayan civilization being familiar with a long count and short count
calendar. When the bible is consider as a
valid source of history that the Mayan calendar becomes clear. There
was a time right after the fall of the Tower of Babel, in which men
begun to spread across the world building cities, before the continent
was separate, Genesis 11:8-9. According to the bible, the earth was
divided during the time of Peleg, Genesis 10:25. In 2010 and 2011
earthquakes, magnitude of 8.8 in Chile moved the entire planet. While
the 8.9 earthquake in Japan has moved mainland Japan eight feet. This
has divulged some light into the long count and short count calendar of
the Mayan civilization (1) we now know that the landmasses can be moved,
(2) both shorten the days, so when the earth is condense the earth
speed up, making the day shorter. Therefore, if the earth was all
together at one time the days would have been shorter, so that tell us
that the Mayan civilization was around during the time of the earth
separation. That why they have a short count calendar because their
familiar with the earth being together. They came up with a long count
calendar as the earth expanded, which also mean the stars they were
watching took longer to see. This even explains the story of Atlantis,
because one day they went to that part of the world, North America and
South America was gone, and all they could see is the sea. Therefore,
they felt the Americas had fallen off into the sea. This knowledge comes
from God's word and is easily understood, but without the word of God
all these PhD's can't understand the simple.
From the desk of Joseph Smith writer of: The Revival of the Roman
Empire 2nd edition and The Devil’s Workshop, At Amazon, Barn &
Nobles, and Book-A-Million.
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